Loyalty strategies

Building a portfolio of loyal customers should be the goal of every company. Sometimes, all the weight of marketing efforts is mistakenly placed on attracting new prospects. However, it is better to have a smaller number of satisfied, brand-loyal customers than many prospects who convert and are then lost through lack of contact. To achieve this, organisations and companies must implement the appropriate loyalty strategies within their marketing plan.

In this article we discuss some of the most effective loyalty strategies, action plans and tools to implement them.

Benefits of customer loyalty

To reap the benefits of loyalty, we need to implement the optimal loyalty strategies and sales actions. The goal is that the customer who has previously purchased our products or services will return to do so on a recurring basis. Having loyal customers has a positive impact on several points:

  • Loyal customers generate continuous revenue for more years.
  • It costs less to keep loyal customers than to acquire new prospects. It is more costly to carry out customer acquisition campaigns than to implement loyalty strategies and concrete actions.
  • The customer's loyalty to our brand will increase to the extent that we work on their loyalty through appropriate actions. Moreover, the purchase frequency of a loyal customer will always be higher.
  • There is a direct relationship between customer loyalty and a higher purchase value in each transaction compared to a sporadic customer.
  • A loyal customer is more likely to purchase new products or upgrades, so they will be more susceptible to cross-selling with other products. In addition, a loyal customer is the best source of ideas for introducing new products or services.
  • When there are many loyal customers, it means that things are being done well. This translates into brand power and brand equity in the marketplace.
  • A loyal and satisfied customer becomes a prescriber of the brand. It becomes the best communication tool and also the cheapest: word of mouth.
  • Loyalty strategies cost less to attend to a loyal customer, as we know their needs in advance. It also generates greater satisfaction and security for the employee who help them.
  • Loyal customers perceive the value of the brand better. They assimilate prices and changes better.

3 key strategies for customer loyalty

Before developing the loyalty strategies, the main objectives must be clear. We assume at this point that our objectives will be developed under the SMART methodology (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time). There are a number of loyalty strategies, of which we will mention the following:

Rewarding the customer

This is an effective strategy that generates a lot of satisfaction. You can set up a reward programme with points, prizes or discounts for customers who reach a certain level of purchases. For example: premium customers, discount coupons, offer special gifts for prescription, etc.

Support the client

As a complement to good communication, you can support loyal customers in their future projects. For example, by offering them training, a space on the company's website or blog to promote themselves, etc.

Building social relationships

Establish a communication channel with your loyal customers where they can communicate their satisfaction, dissatisfaction, doubts or problems that arise. You can use social media or a chat communication channel. This is an effective way to provide pre-sales and post-sales support to ensure a successful purchase.

Digital channels to create loyalty strategies

If we want to carry out an effective loyalty strategy, we have to use communication channels that allow us to have a close relationship with our audience. To do this, we can use an omnichannel platform such as Afilnet, where we have a multitude of channels available.

Digital Channels

SMS: One of the most effective communication channels, due to its high opening rate and immediacy of delivery. We mainly recommend the following uses for your loyalty actions:

  • Send notifications and notices.
  • Tracking and confirmation of orders.
  • Promotional codes, discount vouchers or offers.

Email: The classic loyalty channel par excellence. It should be taken into account that if it is not used correctly it can generate SPAM problems, but if used well, it is a very effective channel for loyalty campaigns and above all for communicating and keeping a prospect informed during the different stages of a maturity process.

  • Sending newsletters.
  • Promotions and information based on interests or actions.
  • Subscriptions.
  • Reminders.

Text-To-Speech: This is a very interesting and unknown channel until relatively recently. Automated Text-To-Speech calls allow you to expand your range of action as you can send them to both landlines and mobiles.

  • Confirmation of appointments.
  • Various notifications and alerts.

WhatsApp Business: This is the version of the most popular app for businesses. Through WhatsApp you can reach your customers more directly. It is important to note that this channel is not intended for promotional use, but for support by sending predetermined templates.

  • Send order confirmations.
  • Automated responses.
  • Quick response messages.

We help you to create loyalty strategies

At Afilnet we can help you get all the benefits of customer loyalty through the implementation of omnichannel campaigns. Building customer loyalty will be key to the growth and maintenance of your brand. If you need us to advise you to create effective strategies and action plans, do not hesitate to contact us and visit our website.

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