Use of landing pages in the medical sector

landing pages medical sector

Different types of services are promoted on the internet, and some of the most demanded are those offered by the health sector.

In fact, if you want to boost the online presence of a clinic or hospital, you can create a landing page as an inbound digital marketing strategy that builds trust and increases the conversion rate.

In this context, if you are wondering why you should take advantage of digital platforms through a landing page, you are in the right place. In this article we are going to explain how and why to use a landing page in the medical sector.

Why use landing page in the health sector?

Resorting to this digital marketing strategy brings many benefits in that search to boost a business as we will see below.

Customer acquisition

The landing page in the health sector is an excellent resource to obtain new leads . In fact, it should be noted that today people take more and more care of their body in all its aspects and constantly seek advice.

In this framework, an attractive landing page can help increase the conversion rate while valuing your brand. For this, it is useful to advertise the landing page on various websites or on social networks.

In this way, it seeks to capture the attention of visitors, arousing their curiosity with an interesting, eye-catching landing page that generates trust and transforms them into potential patients.

As content, it is usually recommended to include detailed information about a specific service offered, including chat windows or online consultations. The objective of this type of landing is to provide as much information as possible and clarify doubts in a personalized way, so that the potential client is interested in receiving treatment or scheduling a medical appointment.

Sending promotions and generating leads

Likewise, landing pages can not only be useful for converting a visitor into a customer, but they can also be a powerful tool for retaining existing customers by sending promotions and offers.

In this sense, the landing page becomes an area where it is possible to advertise content, such as promotions or limited-time offers that encourage patients to contract a service offered (appointment with doctors, specialists, treatments, etc.) . In fact, it is important to point out that a well-constructed and intuitive landing page can be considered as a negotiation instrument that ends with a sale.

As in the case mentioned above, the sending of promotions through a landing page is usually done outside the official website of the clinic, mainly aimed at advertising on social networks or on the Internet. Among the offers most appreciated by visitors are free online consultations or exclusive discounts for a limited time offered to those who have already contracted a previous service at the health center.

Collection of information prior to the appointment

From another point of view, you could create a landing page that informs patients about the prerequisites for a consultation or invites them to request more information regarding it.

In this case, the landing page should be created within your website, attracting the customer with a button or a striking information banner, that is, the well-known CTAs (calls to action). After the patient contracts a service such as an appointment or a treatment, they can find out what the prerequisites are to prepare correctly by going to the informative landing page with a single click.

Ideally, the landing page should be optimized and have a design similar to that of the clinic's website to generate a sense of graphic familiarity, increasing trust and brand value.

Valuation Request

Finally, another use of a very recurrent landing page in the health sector is to create a landing page to request an assessment of the consultation received and the quality of the service offered by the medical center.

The objective of this landing page model is to be able to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the clinic or medical institution, based on the experience lived by the patient.

The benefits are several because, on the one hand, the client feels appreciated and that his opinion is valuable, and on the other hand, the health center obtains information that can contribute to improving the quality of the services provided. We assure you that, in this way, you will be able to demonstrate to the leads your commitment and vocation to serve the community, generating higher levels of trust.

To request the evaluation, you could create a landing page that incorporates an attractive, intuitive and simple survey, whose questions must be clear, short and easy to answer.

Examples by type of business

So far, we have presented you with the most common uses of landing pages in the medical sector. However, it is essential to note that each landing page may have specific content that is not suitable for all types of health business.

In some cases, it is better to prefer to offer promotions while, in other cases, it is better to seek to capture new leads through forms. Considering the infinite possibilities that landing pages offer us, we want to present some examples that can help you define how to create your landing page to achieve your marketing objectives.

General medicine consultations

A general medicine landing page should encourage the customer to want to request a medical consultation. To do this, your content must convince the potential client to contact the clinic by incorporating a form that encourages them to leave their personal information. In exchange for this, a free first online consultation can be offered.

Thanks to the information collected, you will be able to create a database that can drive more people to reach you.


A well-crafted landing page can reach many users who end up clicking an ad on a web page. In the case of hospitals, it would be necessary to seek to convert the visitor into a lead and a patient.

To do this, forms can be added where Internet users can leave their personal data (name, email, cell phone, etc.) so that they can later be sent information that is of interest to them or a promotion.

In addition, it is essential to include a call to action button so that the visitor performs a specific action, such as requesting a free consultation or personalized advice on the types of medical tests that the hospital carries out or directly scheduling an appointment. .

Do not forget to add a contact telephone number or email so that the possible patient can clarify their doubts.

Eye Clinics / Dental Clinics

For an ophthalmology or dental clinic, it can be useful to show practical content generated by patients who were successful cases . In this way it is possible to demonstrate the quality of the services and therapies that the health center offers. In this sense, particular emphasis can be placed on dental treatments (cleaning, dental repair, etc.) and ophthalmology (vision control, corrective microsurgery, etc.)

Remember that it is very important that the promoted content is of quality and attractive. This makes it possible to influence the target audience and show that the advertised clinic is one of the best in the sector.

Aesthetic centers / Nutrition clinics

Nowadays, taking care of the image and the body is a trend among people. It is not surprising, then, that the number of Internet users who are interested in beauty and nutrition centers has increased.

However, visitors to a web page do not always become customers, so it is very important to have an attractive landing page . We suggest that the call to action, in this case, be easily recognizable and stand out from the other elements on the page. Also, depending on the type of treatment, medical appointment or therapy you offer, you could include an image of a woman or man in good physical condition or who is enjoying aesthetic therapy.

In addition, you could highlight the presence of a webchat that the visitor can use to request more information. Another alternative is to include a well-designed and visible form that encourages the visitor to leave their personal data, highlighting the opportunities that are achieved if a certain aesthetic or health center is chosen.

To give you an example, you could use the landing page to encourage the visitor to subscribe to a certain food plan or aesthetic treatment cycle.


Creating landing pages for the medical sector is essential to increase the sales volume of a clinic, hospital or health center. In fact, if you can present a landing page that captures the attention of an interested person, it becomes a gateway for sales and to promote medical services and treatments.

The important thing is knowing how to optimize it, writing persuasive content, presenting an orderly and simple visual using contrasting colors, as well as adding buttons that call for action.

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